On today's blog entry I'm going to discuss the imbecility of humanity demonstrated by the creation of acid precipitation. Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere. These chemicals mix in the atmosphere with water, oxygen, and other components to create pollutants. These pollutants are spread through the wind and water very quickly so it can affect precipitation in various areas all over the world.
Human activities are the main cause of acid precipitation. Power plants are a large contributor to acid rain. They release an abundance of chemicals, including sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, into the air. The burning of fossil fuels, like coal and gasoline, also emits various gases into the atmosphere. Due to the enormous emission of chemicals into the air, humanity has actually changed the mix of gases in the atmosphere.
Acid rain affects many parts of the environment. Lakes, streams, and rivers are affected in the way that their acidity levels are raised. If the pH level becomes too high in these bodies of water, many fish eggs cannot hatch. This reduces chances of living offspring. If this becomes too severe, individual fish and sometimes an entire aquatic species may become extinct. In additon to this, when the buffering capacity is low, aluminum is released into the water. Aluminum is extremely toxic to plant life and animal life. Acid rain decreases biodiversity because of all of these negative effects. Acid precipitation can harm trees at higher elevations as well as damaging sensitive pH levels everywhere.
Many are asking, what can we do? The government passed a law on how much sulfur dioxide a power plant can emit. This is helping to cut down on pollution levels. One great way we can help out is by conserving energy. Turn off lights when you leave a room or electronics when you are not using them. Carpooling is a great way to burn less fossil fuels. You can buy more energy efficient appliances and electronics. Attempt to use other forms of energy such as wind power or solar power.
These are just a few suggestions as to what we can do to minimize our emission of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. Do it for the cute little bunnies!
Here's a video link for your viewing pleasure and/or disgust:
Okay so I have to start by saying that I laughed a couple times while reading your blog just because I was reading it in your voice and I knew when you were being sarcastic! But I must say your article was very informative!